March 17, 2011

why i love being irish

-the Murtagh Clan....all hilarious and we all have the same pretty blues as our grandmother.
-mom's corn beef and cabbage. yummm.
-dad forcing my younger brother Colin to wear a leprechaun hat and dance a jig to entertain his guests EVERY St. Patrick's Day.  oh how i wish i had a photo right now.
-Gerity, my middle name.  named after my great grandmother Elma Gerity Murtagh.
-dad's extensive knowledge of every nook and cranny of Ireland.  he lived there forever.
-Murtagh's Irish Pub.  it's a real place in the ol' heartland.
-when strangers/fellow irish folk point out my claddagh ring. which i wear everyday. thank you very much.
-our name in Gaelic, O' Muircheartaigh.  it means 'expert navigator of the seas' (we all know that's not true). it's also the name of our family boat.  we get some pretty funny looks in the backwaters of naples.
-my brown hair and blue eyes combo.
-leprechauns are REAL!
-my seriously awful Irish Alzheimer's syndrome.  i'll hold a grudge forever and have no idea why.
-The University of Notre Dame.  nope, didn't go there, but pretty much everyone else in my family has. Go Irish!
-Clancy Mulligan Murtagh.  The Greatest Dog to ever live.

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